September 27, 2010

On a side note......

For the past week I've been sick! I'm a terrible sick person, every 2 minutes I must announce in my most annoying croaky voice...."I'm sick". Poor Daz has to put up with it and I have to admit that after about 2 hours, I annoy even myself. For the past 3 years I've been the picture of health, I had a run in with some glass in my foot (which you might hear about in my next post) and a small case of sinusitis, but other than that not even a sniffle of a snuffy nose......until my cute and adorable 18 month old niece came along. She sneezed on me and it was all over. Kids are cute until they share their kiddie germs with you, and who says they have sharing issues!!

This is one of those rare occasion when a post appearing on this site will have nothing to do with food. There are plenty of things that we do in life, most have something to do with food, love or money. And this particular thing covers point one and two.......somethings are better than money. I talk about Daz alot in my posts, mostly about him eating something or other....or even an embarrassing story about him waiting in line overnight to purchase an ipad. So he's taking a fair whack of torture from me, and now its time for me to repay it.

Some of you may know that my Dazzie is a techno-gadget-geek of the highest comes in handy believe me. A while ago he started his own blog about developing applications for the Android operating system for smart-phones, called The Andriod Workshop. He recently came across a new Google App inventor that allows the has-no-idea-about-technology-and-what-does-this-button-do average Joe to create their own applications, a bit like drag and drop programming. And guess who's going to be the guinea pig....ME!!!!

I have to come up with my own idea, then I have to go through the long and intellectually challenging training process and hopefully create my own app and become the most glorious smart-phone application creator of all time!!! Think angry birds crossed with that aeroplane traffic controller thingy. Yes....I'm completely up to speed with things. To be honest I envisage tears, screaming, lots of stress and possibly even a stomach ulcer......and those all coming from Daz.

If you want to know more about the "experiment" head on over to Daz's blog. In the mean time, I'm hungry....I might make a toasted cheese sandwich.....I'll start training later.


Hannah said...

Oooh, I think I can out-technology-nitwit you! My brain couldn't even understand the last two paragraphs :D

So I shall instead wish you a speedy recovery, and fingers crossed that your sense of taste doesn't leave you. That's when life becomes *really* miserable, and you'll start being allowed to whimper "I'm sick" every TEN minutes.

Now go drink some hot ginger, lemon, and honey tea!

CC11 said...

I hope you get better soon!

Conor @ Hold the Beef said...

Oh no! Get better soon! I'm sick too but haven't been saying how sick I am because a) I am home alone, having been abandoned for the long weekend, and b) I have totally lost my voice so no one would hear my anyway.

In many ways therefore, you are also croaking about your illness on my behalf as well, so croak away!

Iron Chef Shellie said...

awww you poor thing!! Hopefully you are on the mend and stay out of trouble for a while.

Congrats on Daz's blog! off to suss it out!

penny aka jeroxie said...

Get well soon! And will check out Daz site...

My Restaurants Melbourne said...

I hope your feeling better real soon, and daz must be doing a great job of looking after you, looking forward to your next blog post!!