September 13, 2009

Review - Happy Home Made Cupcakes

Happy HomeMade Cupcakes Platter

After my massive cupcake tour of Melbourne I was contacted by Neev from Happy Home Made Cupcakes. She runs her own cupcake business from home and was keen to get me and Daz to sample some of her delicious treats. Daz and I being the cupcake fiends that we are were never going to knock back an offer like that! So today we got the best treat ever and have an entire cupcake platter prepared for us! How lucky are we!

I must compliment Neev on really thinking about Daz and I, she had prepared a combination of regular sized cupcakes and mini cupcakes. Considering that there were quite a few flavours on offer, tiny morsels are the best to taste test without getting too full along the way. I do have to confess though, they were so good that Daz and I went back for seconds! Diet starts tomorrow!

Happy HomeMade Cupcakes Platter 2

After visiting Cupcakes by Heather and Lori in Vancouver a couple of years ago, the cupcake bug well and truly took a bite. Neev started the business in March this year after a little gentle persuasion from her daughter Ameesha. All cupcakes are proudly baked from scratch, containing no artificial preservatives. And I must say Happy Home Made is the most perfect name for her cupcakes, after meeting Neev and her whole family I can see that alot of love and happiness goes into every single cupcake.

So onto the eating right!?! Listed in order of consumption. We started with a Vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting. This was Ameesha's favourite. I thought I would get some inside knowledge before diving in, and it was a good way to start. Subtle vanilla flavour with a good dose of vanilla frosting.

Vanilla Vanilla cupcakes  - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Then we moved onto Coconut cupcakes with meringue frosting. Daz loves anything meringue, so this one was pretty close to his heart, and I adore coconut. The crunchy intense coconut on top was a delight. You would think that anything with a meringue frosting would be overly sweet, but the sugar levels were just right. That's absolutely perfect for me, its means that I can eat more without feeling like I'm about to fly out of a room on a sugar high!

Coconut cupcakes with meringue frosting - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Coconut minicupcakes with meringue frosting - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Next we had Dark brown sugar cupcakes with caramel and cinnamon butter cream frosting. This was good, real good. The kick from the cinnamon was unexpected and freakin delicious! Daz really loved this one, he was raving about it all the way back home. We were even lucky enough to get a couple to take home....they didn't last long....sigh.

Dark Brown sugar cupcakes with Caramel and cinnamon buttercream frosting - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Dark Brown sugar minicupcakes with Caramel and cinnamon buttercream frosting - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

We left the best to last. When I looked at the Chocolate Mud cupcakes with Caramel frosting topped with violet crumble and a drizzle of caramel I knew we were in for a treat. They looked like miniature volcanoes exploding with flavour, with a trickle of caramel magma flowing over the side. Deep, dense, intense chocolate flavour topped with subtle caramel and crunchy violet crumble. Hmmmm these were my favourite. I'm crazy about dark chocolate and there was a good dose of it in these cupcakes.

Chocolate Mud Cupcakes with Caramel Buttercream violet crumble pieces and caramel sauce  - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Chocolate Mud MiniCupcakes with Caramel Buttercream violet crumble pieces and caramel sauce  - Happy HomeMade Cupcakes

Neeve is an absolute delight and I'm so pleased that I got the chance to sample her baked goods. If you would like to order some of her cupcakes you can contact her through her blog at Happy Home Made Cupcakes or drop her an email at neevrap{AT}


Agnes said...

Maria, you are the Cupcake Eating Queen. I bow down to your greatness! ;) They all look amazing, what a treat!

Jennifer said...

They all look SOOO good!

Conor @ HoldtheBeef said...

Oh those Violet Crumbles ones look so good, I'm definitely going to have to buy myself a Violet Crumble today. I'll start my diet with you tomorrow ;)

Rilsta said...

Lucky you to be able to have your own cupcake tour without leaving your house! :)

They all look great though I would have gone straight for the violet crumble one!

Iron Chef Shellie said...

oh lucky you! diets always start tomorrow ;)

I'm dying to try the coconut and the dark brown sugar nom nom

Marilyn's momentous musings said...

Well, I can say that I am one of the lucky ones who has tasted Neev's happy homemade cupcakes and they really are delicious!! Neev made cupcakes for my son's birthday and they were a hit with his mates and my favourite one at the moment is the coconut one with the meringue frosting. I can't wait to taste the dark chocolate with caramel topping ones. I guess I will just have get myself invited over for tea and cupcakes! :-)

Arwen from Hoglet K said...

Those chocolate and caramel cupcakes look brilliant! Sauce and violet crumble sounds like the perfect treat.

Maria said...

Lucky you! The mudcake ones look very droolable...

Anita said...

Lucky you! They all look soo good (although I reckon I would have gone back for seconds too! :P ). I esp like the look of the chocolate ones and the brown sugar ones.... hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Neev's cupcake is awesome. I've had the opportunity to taste her chocolate mud cupcake and they are divine. Can't wait to order some coconut with meringue frosting cupcakes for my next party.

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your encouraging comments....its your comments and your support that keeps me wanting to bake and create. Visit my blog for more on cupcakes and flavours.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came across this page and wish I had found it earlier. Recently I celebrated my son's birthday and was desperately in search of good homemade cupcakes but to no avail. I ended up ordering from a local baker only to be disappointed. These cupcakes look good and I trust these comments. Would you mind giving me Neev's contact so I can try them. Would also be useful for my next event. Thanks

Maria@TheGourmetChallenge said...

Hi Agnes - I'm turning into a cupcake! I hope no one will try to eat me. Actually If you were a cupcake, what flavor would you be?

Hi Jennifer - They tasted good to boot!

Hi Conor - Violet crumble....drool

Hi Rilsta - Can one person have too many cupcakes?

Hi Iron Chef shellie - The cinnamon ones were good!

Hi Mac - Neev must really have some very happy customers!

Hi Arwen - they were good, I'm thinking of trying to re-create them myself at home

Hi Maria - droolable, I love that word!

Hi Anita - I am pretty lucky. Lately I'e been pinching myelf to make sue that its actually real

Hi Anonymous - You just gotta, they are divine!

Hi Anonymous - You can contact Neev through her blog at or you can email her directly at neevrap{AT}

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