Soon I'll be attending my first Melbourne Food Bloggers event, kindly organised by Duncan at Syrup and Tang, Sarah at Sarah Cooks and Thanh at I Eat, Therefore I Am. Everyone is going to bring along a dish to share. Although I'm extremely nervous at meeting so many new and talented people, I'm definitely looking forward to tasting all the wonderful food prepared. I decided I would bring along Crispedi, little Sicilian doughnuts. Depeding on where you come from, they can also be called Zeppole or an array of other names. They are similar to the Loukoumades from Greece and as I found out, almost all mediterranean countries have their own
version of this pastry delight.

You can flavour your crispedi with a multitude of flavours. I've even seen savoury versions with olives and/or anchovies. I prefer the traditional sweet version so I'm going to bring along saltana and aniseed (fennel seed).
So for the recipe (sultana flavour), this will make quite a few crispedi. I've never stopped to actually count how many, so you must forgive me.
3 cups of plain flour
1 tbsp dried yeast
pinch of salt
1 cup of warm water
1/3 cup sultanans
3/4 vegetable oil
castor sugar for dusting
1. Dissolve yeast in warm water (not too hot, about body temperature).
2. Mix flour, salt and saltanas in a large bowl. Add yeast mixture and combine eveything together to make a wet dough, you may need to add a little extra water to make the mixture wet. It the dough is too hard, they turn out a little denser, but still yummy. Cover bowl with a tea towel and place in a warm spot. Let the dough prove until doubled in size.

Dough batter before proving

Dough batter after proving
3. Heat oil in a small heavy based pan until 180C. To make crispedi, and this is where it gets very messy, use your hands to squeeze walnut sized balls straight into the oil. In small batchs, cook until golden in colour (4-5 minutes).

Crispedi getting crispy and golden
4. Once they are golden, transfer to absorbant paper. While they are still hot, roll them in castor sugar. They are best eaten straight away, they'll keep their cispyness on the day of making, after that they became a little chewy.

"Take that you miniature blob!" They are no match to castor sugar

Roll, roll, roll your ball, glenty round the sugar.

1 basket full is never enough!
Hopefully everyone will like them, but in my expeirence they are quickly eaten and gain lots of fans.